How to crash the Asian cultural barriers to get the business now? 25th June Melbourne

I am taking the liberty of writing to you because of a A$3 million dollar mistake!

Just recently a local property broker thought they’d love to do business in the Asian market. With the aid of a great advertising campaign they attracted a couple of prospects from China who were as anxious to do business as they were. 

A property was found and everybody seemed happy. The deal was about to be done.

Then, suddenly, the investors got cold feet and walked away! Nothing could induce them to proceed!

That’s when the brokers found me and asked “What did we do wrong?”

The answer was simple…  

They didn’t know or understand critical cross-cultural differences between the Asians and Aussies! They had made one simple mistake in their dealings with those Asian clients.

And that blew the deal! Three million dollars lost!

There are 10 important “cultural commandments” you must know and observe whenever you want to do business in or with Asia. Ignore them at you peril!

That’s why I’ve decided to hold a 1 day briefing in Melbourne on June 25th to share those 10 cultural commandments… the keys to dealing with Asian clients and business partners for the best possible result. I guarantee that it will give you a head start or boost your business.

Find out more details and register here


If this is not for you but you know your friends and associates would truly benefit from this seminar, please share with them asap.  Thank you.
