We are assisting our diverse AusAsian clients in building highly effective inter – cultural bridges of communication with their Asian counterparts to establish long term trusting and lucrative win-win business relationships.
What will you and your team(s) learn?
• Identify cultural commonalities between the Asian and Western markets
• Be aware of the cultural differences between clients, business partners, employees, peers.
• Apply appropriate business and social etiquette in the diverse Asian cultures
• Learn the variations of communication styles and work practices in the different cultures
• Implement more effective inter-cultural communication and relationship building skills for mutually beneficial outcomes
• Successful behaviors for negotiation in your cross-cultural environment
• Verbal and non-verbal body language skills
• Understand and apply the key attributes of inter-cultural Asia focused leadership and team productivity effectiveness strategies to build long term trust and empowerment within your teams.
• Dealing with conflicts and resolution strategies
• And much more……
Contact our AusAsia Team at Success@AusAsiaInstitute.com to book your 30 minutes complimentary discussion with Ms Rachael Mah.